terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2015

Burguer de batata doce e abacate

400 gr de feijão(pode usar qualquer leguminosa)
1 grande batata-doce, cozida, pelada e em puré ( são necessárias cerca de 2 chávenas )
2 colheres de sopa de tahine
2 colheres de chá de alho em pó
1 colher de chá de chipotle, cajun (ou outro tempero favorito)
1/3 chávena de levedura nutricional ou farinha
opcional: Panko(pão ralado japonês, temperado)
sal a gosto

Para as camadas: abacate, mostarda Dijon, pão de grãos, alface, cebola, azeite e pimenta


1 . Assar a batata doce. Pelar e colocar em uma tigela grande.
2 . Adicionar o feijão (demolhado) na tigela. Misturar o feijão e purê de batata doce.
3. Misture todos os temperos com a farinha. De seguida, adicione o puré de batata doce e feijão. A sua mistura ficará macia e úmida, mas deve ser capaz de formar uma bola pastosa. Se preciso, adicione mais farinha ou uma colher de pão ralado – ou arroz seco – para engrossar a mistura.
4 . Aqueça 1 colher de sopa de azeite em uma panela em fogo alto.
5. Forme os hambúrgueres e frite-as na panela. Poderá também assá-los.
6. Sirva com pão tostado e acrescente as camadas.

Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers with Avocado

1 medium sweet potato, baked and peeled
16oz. cooked white beans
1/2 cup white onion, chopped
2-3 Tbsp tahini
3/4 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 - 1 tsp chipotle powder (or cajun spice) (use more for spicier burgers)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper (add more for more bite!)
1/3 cup nutritional yeast OR any flour (try oat flour)
1/2 - 1 cup finely chopped greens (kale, spinach, parsley)
toppings: avocado, tomato, vegenaise, burger buns, greens
skillet: 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil
optional: Panko bread crumbs for crispy coating

Bake your sweet potato in a 400 degree oven for 40-60 minutes or until tender. If in a hurry, you could use the microwave, but oven-baked yields a bit more flavor.
Add the potato and beans to a large mixing bowl. Using a large fork, mash well. Fold in the onion and keep mashing. Add all the remaining burger ingredients and mash, mash, mash well until thickened and mashed well. Tip! Rinse your beans in hot water before adding to bowl, this heats them, making them easier to mash.
Heat oven to 400 degrees.
Heat a skillet over high heat and add the coconut oil.
Form burger mixture into large patties and place on the hot skillet. If using Panko bread crumbs, roll patties in Panko to coat well. Cook 1-3 minutes on each side, just to brown them. Repeat with all the mixture, you should yield 6 large patties or 8 small. Tip: Place mixture in the fridge for a half hour if you want it to be super easy to form into patties, this will increase cooking time by a few minutes though.
Place the skillet-cooked patties on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes, until cooked through. Note: YES you could skpi the skillet part and just bake the veggie burgers, but the flavor is better with those crispy coconut-oil seared edges.
Slice up all your burger toppings and toast the buns. Sprouted grain were used! Add vegan mayo or spicy mustard and the patty and toppings. Serve warm!
Store leftover burgers, sealed, in the fridge for up to a day, or freeze and consume within a few weeks for best flavor and texture. To reheat: warm in a 400 degree oven until warmed through, about 12 minutes, depending on burger thickness.

Receita de kblog.lunchboxbunch

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